MONDAY 25th September 2006
I was in the midst of typing an extremely long and poignant post when my PC rebooted and I lost everything. Sigh. Why is it I never learn to save every few minutes.
Since I'm too lazy now to retype all of that the rest of you will have to put up with a far less exotic post for today, mostly just random, coffee fueled, Monday morning rants.
Its quite disenchanting to actually lie on the bench and realised the horrible truth that you can only bench press 40kgs when you could do 70kgs before. I suppose that for most of this year I managed to convince myself that I wasn't really that weak even though I'd neglected exercising. I guess it all went downhill when I visited my fiancee in Deceber/January 2005/2006 and ate one too many american breakfasts (trust me, the monstrous servings will keep you full till dinnertime).
How did it come to this? I guess like most people I became adept at making excuses.
***Reboot #3***
Yup the computer rebooted again. As you can tell I'm not getting much work done today. I wonder what you guys think about meeting people online. I mean what your opinion on the appropriateness of looking for someone to go out with. I think it reeks. Its fine if you meet people in like forums on your particular interests. Say I'm into anime and I frequent forums on the subject and I meet someone who happens to live in KL and we form a friendship/relationship. I think this is fine.
On the other hand, I think its terrible to go looking for dates online like sweeping through Friendster or chatting with people you've never met before on MSN or Yahoo Messenger. I'm not intentionally trying to be unkind or judgemental, but if you're such a pussy that you can't walk up and talk to a woman in real life that you only have the nerve to do so online where you can pretend to be something you're not, just give up. Meeting girls online is for paedophiles and perverts. You know that it's all going to collapse anyway once you actually meet each other since she'll realise you're a socially inept twerp, or that you're a rapist soliciting victims.
Its not that hard to meet people if you just take the chance. Sure every girl or guy yu talk to isn't going to want to go out, but all you need is for one to say yes. So my question is this. What do the rest of you think about guys/girls that try to meet people to go out with online? Be brutal. Be honest. POST COMMENTS NOT SHOUT OUTZ.
***Reboot #4***
Looks like the tech staff here are going for a server breakdown record. The worst part is I can't access the net to see if I received a bonus. At least I could pay off my massive credit card debt in one fell swoop. Buying a smartphone is not a cheap endeavour. I think its a waste of money for most people since regular phones now have music and game playing functions already. Still its wonderful!!! I managed to download a program that let me convert my music videos into 3gp files to play on my mobile phone. One music video on a 3.5mB file. Everyone's jealous since I can carry the Pussycat Dolls and Rihanna wherever I go, although I do get stares on the LRT.
***Reboot #5*** ***Reboot #6*** ***Reboot #7***
I'm about to take this piece of crap computer and fling it out of the 80th floor. I know its a problem with the server, but I still want to kill my terminal. Its like how UPM graduates are the result of years of indoctrination and lack of education, but I still want to take a 2 by 4 to their heads instead of resolve the problems in the system. Human nature I gues ;)
Speaking of computer problems, do any of you know how to make a reinstall disc or whatever that I can pop into my computer and just redo
***Reboot #8*** Offices servers + inept staff = high blood pressure for Magnus
So do any of you know how to make such a disc. I really need to reformat and reinstall but I don't have the discs, and I don't want to pay 60-80 bucks such to get some high school dropout Low Yatt boy to do it for me. So Warlock, Siriuz or Sai, if any of you can help me out with this I see free food at our regular mamak in your future.
***Reboot #9*** This time I got the black screen of death and had to turn off the power since there's no reset button.
Well I give up. Looks like there's not going to be any progress today on my end so I'm going out for an early lunch and hopefully they'll have resolved this nonsense by the time I get back.
Apparently my PC only reboots when I'm using it. The network is still messed up today. I ate so much I feel like I'm about to explode. I imagine this would be like a real life "Rupture" will take more damage if I move around. I dread going back home today, the first working puasa day means there'll probably be frenzied mobs to starved maniacs trying to get home in time to eat.
At least I finally bought my Celcom prepaid pack. Now I can test out the quality of the 3G in my area, if good then I'll stick with it since it works great in the office. Only thing is testing my net speed, I guess I'll have to try Jaring, the program I have to check net speed is called Netpersec but I need to be using the net to download shit to do the speed test and at 1sen per kilobyte that'll cost a whole lot. I'll miss my DiGi though, got 200kBps speeds most nights.
Would it be considered bullemia if I threw up now just avoid feeling this bloated?
Another problem I'm having these days it that there's too much entertainment. Yup I said it. Its just too much that I can't keep track of it anymore. I need like an entertainment manager to tell me what movies I should go see/buy/download because I'm totally lost. Music is not that hard, just go to Yahoo music and see what the top singles are, but keeping track of movies is damn near impossible unless I keep a log, same with anime as well, besides Naruto I just don't know what to go after anymore. At least there's the joyous consistency of DotA, its always fun win or lose and its not expensive for a once a week activitiy. Clubbing and most other stuff is painfully expensive and I'm supposed to be saving so I can't partake in those. Sad I know.
I guess this means that my trip next weekend to Sabah for a week will be my last big hurrah. Plan to do quite a bit and eat quite a lot, but after today I think I'm going to slice all my meals in half no matter how hungry I am.
I guess this is starting to sound like a dear diary entry isn't it. Well I apologise but I've got nothing much to do so I'm typing what comes to mind.
Speaking for which, as I said in Shout Outz we should do DotA at Warzone on Friday night if possible. I can make Saturday but its a bit
***Reboot #10*** ***Reboot #11***
troublesome to have it at night on Saturday, so let's try for morning. I won't be around for the weekend after as I'll be off in merry old Sabah partaking in all kinds of reckless suicidal acts. Might stop by the weekend after since I arrive on friday the 13th (oooo scary!!) I might just head to Seremban instead of KL.
The only wrench in the works will be if my KL friends want to do stuff. I've been neglecting them lately so I would probably just go to KL then. Still 90% of my KL friends are people that don't seem to do much beyond go to mamak and smoke or go to snooker centres and smoke. Its quite sad but its how things are here, I need to track down the people that actually live their lives instead of running home to mommy the minute work is over and sleeping in on weekends (props to those who go out with their girlfriends/boyfriends on weekends).
The rest just need help. I mean we're young, we're supposed to be adventurous and living life to the full, this kind of behaviour and attitude is something you should be saving for retirement. Well I guess I can't force my beliefs on others like
***Reboot #12***
AAAAARGH!!!! When I find the guy in charge of our network I'm going to cut his head off, scoop out the insides and give it to his mother as a vase!!!
So about the whole lifestyle thing. Haven't we all watched movies, anime, read books or comics and wished our lives could be half as exciting. I'm not talking mutant powers here (although I wish to God/Satan for magnetokinesis) or battles with supervillains. I mean trips, friends, parties, romance, taking chances, going places, adventure. Doesn't anyone crave adventure anymore? I'm not talking reckless nonsense like quitting your job and trekking accross Vietnam. Its the experiences that everyone seems to crave yet consistently avoids experiencing. They choose instead a life of watching TV and playing games (of which I once again have been guilty of on many occasions). But I think there comes a time when we have to realise that WE are the reason our lives are dull and mundane.
Well, at least dull and mundane by comparison to what we want to experience deep down. To ride a galloping horse accross vast plains, to duel with swords, to enter a cooking competition, to find and defeat adversaries on the streets or in the office. To take chances with love even though we may risk a friendship or look foolish in the process, or even suffer terrible heartbreak and loss.
I remember back in college days there we're people like this, always too busy studying, reviewing lessons, reading textbooks, prepping for exams. I can truly say without a shadow of a doubt that all of them are not better off that I am in the real world now that we have graduated. In fact they're much worse. My entire life in college consisted of going to clubs/parties/movies/golfing/badminton/trips to various islands/skipping classes to go shopping/arguing at various coffee shops about various things. All the people that cloistered themselves up did pass their exams in the end of course, but what was gained? They wasted their lives. Onle on girl actually got fantastic results and she was almost never around for classes anyway.
The worst part is these bookworms can't make it in working life. They have no critical thinking. In the real world there's no cramming sessions or cloistering yourself up to study for exams. Every single day is an exams. But these clowns threw their youth, the SPRINGTIME OF YOUTH!!!!!! Wasted. I have no regrets. Sure maybe if I had studied harder I would have got 10 marks more in some papers, but so what, I would never have had all those wonderful times that I did back then.
I need to find people to SWEAT THE SWEAT OF YOUTH WITH ME!!!! Sorry, been watching too much Naruto. The second Naruto Movie was crap, well okay the final battle was crap, the rest of it was pretty alright.
Still even things like college changes after awhile. Once everyone graduated it was basicaly the beginning of the end. Everyone started socialising with their office mates during lunch and avoided going out for the most part. And so the dreariness of adulthood set in. I ask myself why people would do this, don't they want to spread their wings? This is why most people never become successful or rich, any plant needs sunlight, nutrients. Putting yourself in a dark corner and cutting off from the world just destroys all your potential. Plus your prospects on the working world just get worse, since everyone knows its not what you know, its who you know. You can't study contacts, you make them.
Well the network's still on life support so I can't post this yet. You know I just thought about something Arc wrote in his last post and its kind of a weird paradox but here goes. People panic and worry about living their lives only when the doctor tells them that they are dying, yet we are all of us dying, minute by minute we edge closer to our own inescapable demise. Yet the mind creates for itself all manner of risks and consequences to avoid living that life in the manner we desire. So we walking sacks of decomposing flesh shamble about, our strings pulled by everyone but ourselves. There are zombies, the living dead in this world, just turn to the person next to you and you will see this truth, painful as it is to contemplate.
We each supposedly need 8 hours of sleep, and with a typical 9-6 workday we have roughly 7 hours to do what we wish. 7 hours a day, 67 hours a week (I didn't consider work hours for the weekends). 3484 hours a year, yet people don't have the time to forge friendships, to live life, to party and revel on this great rollercoaster........yet they have time to watch American Idol. In the next 10 years of your life you have approximately 1450 days of absolute free time, that's 4 whole years to do whatever YOU please AND have 8 hours to sleep. Tell me again about how you don't have time. In the end it doesn't matter to me, but it should matter to you.
Oh I went to see the movie "Ghost Game" last Friday. Its a Thai horror movie and all of you should give this one a miss since it wasn't scary at all. Plus some stupid girl in the back kept overreacting, turning it into a comedy instead.
I'm also playing "Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones" again after a very long sabbatical from ym XboX thanks to rudecrudedude coming down from Ireland for 3 months. I think I might just play X-Men Legends 2 again, I miss tossing people around as Magneto. I wish there was some code I could use to let me control Apocalypse. Seems there is for the PC version though.
I feel so stifled right now. I can't work. I can't surf the net. I can't read my book because some nosy idiot might walk by.
Well this is it. I'm done for the day, the brain has emptied itself out.
TUESDAY 26th September 2006
Well in as much as I know you're probably bored out of your mind reading so far, its the next day for me and the computers and servers are I believe suffering from computer menopause. The equipment here is so outdated that I suppose this has been a long time coming, and what's worse, now that the fasting month is upon us the tech staff run away at 4pm.
To top it all off I've been getting the standard "You not fasting ah" plus stupid smiles. Or the "Just try lah" plus stupid smile. I don't go around asking them to "just try" some bacon. I suppose there is no malice in this, but its the retardation of these comments that really get on my nerves. *Sigh* Maybe I'm being too testy because of the computer. Nothing like a faulty PC to really drive me up the wall.
On the plus side I managed to test out the Celcom 3G connection speed and I get 300kbps at home and it works like a charm at the office as well, plus its at least twice as fast as my DiGi plan. So time to cancel the old DiGi plan and sign up with UMNO owned Celcom. I feel like a sellout, but hey, Magnus needs his internet, and downloading porn at twice the speed is worth losing a little moral integrity over.
I wonder what's been happening on the blog lately..Hope you guys are a bit more enthusiastic about posting comments these days.
FINALLY!!!! The computer problem has been solved, thus marking the demise of this post. My thanks for bearing through with me and my pain all this while. |
At 9:41 AM,
Well the software you need is call Norton Ghost. If you already have this software what you need to do is install it and use it to do a backup disk. Is better you make this backup disk immediately after you format the pc. Install whatever software is necessary and do the backup. Don't install junk software. Risk of spyware and stuff like that.
At 9:49 AM,
Thanks man, but the problem with Norton Ghost is that I'm supposed to use it after reformatting etc etc. I need something I can use now. Problem is I don't have discs on me like for installing Windows and the like, so if I reformatted I'd have a few kilograms of metal.
Warlock? You can help us yes? I say temp you with smooth, aromatic, tantalising, nasi lemak kambing!!! Do my bidding pawn!!!
At 11:09 AM,
Yeah, Norton Ghost requires an image of a stabil harddisk so that the NEXT time you reformat you don't need installion disk.
If you HD is clean and stabil now, you can make an image with no fear but if it is still giving you problems then there is no point.
At 2:26 PM,
I say , REFORMAT your computer. I will have to ask Sai if he is willing to lend you his installer DVDs. Do you think you can take over from there ?
Then you make a Ghost Image as soon as you have installed all the stuff that is needed by your computer.
At 4:18 PM,
Well if you can please lend me he DVDs. I'm actually thinking of just buying an original copy of Windows XP, but then what about Vista.
I suppose I have no choice in the end, I can't stop the virus from spreading, its eventually going to eat away some terribly important .exe file and then I'm done for.
At 11:13 AM,
Vista is launch at December. Good luck. Hopefully no blue screen when you first use it.
At 12:04 AM,
Wow, your article seems endless. Heh heh! I shall now attempt the longest comment post.
Now then, about online dating, it all depends. If its just curiosity then its all fine. But if its cause you shit scared of girls offline then its just soooo sad. I mean its true that not all girls react the same way to advances, but thats life. Ups and downs. You're gonna need to build up some 'ball strength' to survive in the cruel yet beautiful world of courtship. Although, I must admit that online dating can seem kinda scary at times. Especially with all the net capable freaks these days. Anyway, here's a story. One of my friends tried it. Met someone. Dragged me to see her with him. All I can say is... OMG!!! Think I'll stick to looking for girls offline. Still like the old fashion method of being able to see, hear, and touch the girl i'm trying to date. Don't trust the online shit no more.
Bullemia is a chronic disease. You need to throw up like its a new trend to actually gain the rank of bullemic. Just a couple of times doesn't count. You're safe man.
Personally, I don't find movies that hard to kkep track of. Animes on the other hand is practically impossile. They pop up everyday. Everywhere. There's just too many to keep track. Aaaarrrggghhh!!!!
To make things worse, i'll recommend a new series. Its titled, SURFACE. Its about how the world gets destroyed by sea monsters. Oh ok, my synopsis really doesn't do the series justice. Try it. Its interesting.
Now, I can defenitely connect on the adventure bit there. I agree that most people just watch their lives waste away instead of living it to the fullest. Personally, i've only did a small fracion of my adventure desires. Jungle tracking, rafting, etc. Always wanted to do bungi jumping. Came so close once but too chicken. Damn I suck. Must suck it up next time. Still got my world tour to do. Ain't got the cash now though. Hopefully get to do it before the appocalypse. Hmm...
Oh crap! You had to bring up the education system. Its absolute rubbish. Half the stuff taught is never actually applied in real life. Everyones trained to be good ol'fashion worker drones. No creativity. No ambition. Just mindless working. Easily adapted to the stupid government working system later on. (Sigh!) Hopeless.
Ok, brain clogging up already. Need
to shut down now. Adios!
Note: You need to dress up like Gai sensei. Now thats scary.