First of all rite now im so dam pissed off with the whole womankind…. okay exclude myself, my mum, grandma, aunties, some of them who never bother to give me any problem…
Why is it that I find it so much easier to be with guys then to live with girls…? Omg, they can be so dam cunning to you rite in front of you and then just pretend like nothing has happen when people are around…
Okay let me just give you a situation,
Fren A: hey,B I heard that C so screwed up..and she is acting like a real bitch…blahblahblah Fren B: oh is it…dammit..really I tot she was such and angel… such a bitch la she then…its ok..as long as they don’t do anything bad to you.. Fren C: hi, B how you been…hope everything is fine…blahblahblah…. Fren B: (confused bout wat Fren A said) okay im fine…blahblahblah…
This is when fren b tells herself…. okay, I guess people have different perception about others so just do what you think is rite…..
(Months later) Fren B: (laughing…and giggling with fren C)….i knew it…hahaha…good joke… Fren C: I told you, you will fall for that joke… FrenA: hey B and C.. ( fren A feeling left out….and annoyed with the closeness of B and C)
So later then Fren A gets all so jealous and starts calling Fren B names…go tell the whole world that fren B is a fuc*ed up bitch…, screwed bitch and just anything possible…
Many weeks later,
Fren C: Hi, A how u been… Fren A: ohh sweetie…it was you who smsed me…oooo I never knew it…oh god I missed you so much…ooohh, uuuhhh, (and everything sluty as possible…)
So do you get wat I mean…. Its like when you try to correct yourself and stop influencing other and stop listening to others bitching about others, you get back all the bitching… and in the whole process of this you end up getting bad name from people close to you… people lose trust upon you…so in the end the people who keeps bitching bout others WINS….and you’ll just be the loser….
I hate people like this …they are so ignorant bout things happening around them…they cant accept others doin it but when they themselves do it its okay… yup, up to the point of calling others being such a hypocrite la…bitch la…basically make them look so bad infront of other people so just to feel good bout themselves…And thus, forgetting by doing all this they are the one who is being such a hypocrite…. Okay, I hope after reading this …people wake up…alrite don’t be such a gossiping pest… !!! it destroys you and your future…just live life the good way no need to talk bad bout others…………
(this situation given is not in anyways connected to anyone and if it does too bad…hahaha) |
At 10:22 PM,
Dang! I wrote a nice deep thoughtful comment and it didn't get posted.
Short version:
I'm still trying to figure out what exactly happened but I'm going to need a few days for it to sink in.
Crazy girls are the worst. Wish everyone would just be straightforward about crap, but that's usually what guys do. I hate someone, he knows I hate him, end of story.
Girl hates someone, pretends to like her, bitches to her other friends, then bitches about her friends to the person she hates and no one including the girl bitching has any idea what's going on :D
This is why you need to learn to play DotA and hang with the normal people ;P
At 11:50 PM,
hehe... yeah navin i guess thats about it hah...girls r just abnormaly crazy...cuz they have all the time in the world to bitch bout others...
well i'd rather be playin DotA...heheh or at least watch em' play....maybe thats y i rather sit in gopi's house with all his other friends and watch them playin DotA then sitting with the girls and "chatting".....
At 2:59 AM,
lol probably you should try to get a balance between mixing with guys and girls..besides girls arent that bad if you give them a chance , minus the "chatting"..
havent seen you online in quite a while though..
and navin, you have to end your "get people to play dota" spree and start focusing on some porno ads. you're much more cut out for things like that than to stay home and erm... :P
At 8:59 AM,
yea, i agree with kavi, should mix. my kind of case is like this when mixing around with guys ONLY:
GuyA : hey, u know ar, that movie is great lar, we should watch it some time.
GuyB : no lar, i think the movie suck lar, i dun wan to watch it lar, u go on ahead. The movie is so...blah blah blah (degrading remarks)
(Guy C sauntered into the conversation)
GuyC :hey A and B. I heard this movie is nice lar, wanna go watch. It's...blah blah blah (erm...just think tht the movie is heavenly)
GuyB : (in front of A) hmm....u got ur point there, this movie is definitely...blah, blah (supporting C). when u wanna watch it.
Dang.............what do you call this? I call it "ambil hati or jaga hati" in good terms and "DOUBLE STANDARD" in meaner terms. I just hate it.......
another scenario
ah, no need lar, anyway, it's "cerita sama, pelakon lain" the same double standard thingie just on different scenario.
bleh, i just have to extricate myself out of that kind of relationship..........trying.........it's a hard thing to do though......
At 11:58 AM,
I agree with magnus also. When i dun like someone, it really shows. End of story. If i dun go with his way, well no sorry also, i just go with my way.
But when it comes to close pals, it's a bit hard to reject at times. Sometime, I entertain them also even though i dun really like the idea, it's though and sometime hurtful. sigh.....that y i wan to be solo for a while now, been looking for other activities to do. of cos, i wont just break the friendship tie, just we wont be meeting that often. i have been a very patient already, been tolerating since april, hahaha. My patience is wearing thin. As a matter of fact, i m scared that i may erupt (been a bit temperamental lately) and this will cause any complication. i dun wan to lose the friendship, so i think my best option now is go out less ^^
At 12:29 PM,
hmmm.... This doesn't happen to the Sanbaka. Oh well I guess the way we communicate is a bit different.
At 4:16 PM,
ya i notice that also, and i m all comfortable being with the Sanbaka ^^ haha. honestly, no kidding. This is how things should turn out.
At 7:19 PM,
adole are you in a relationship?
At 10:05 AM,
er..........i wish there IS a relationship. hmm....still trying my best :P bleh interested in someone, but that someone like not so interested but at the same time interested. Everything is like on and off sometime, i cant really figure. Sometime i asked her out, she just say ok, but sometime sms her, so slow the reply, lately her replies is like getting a bit fed up or if i were to c in different angle, it's like getting more comfortable and closer. i m in delusion, dunno which is which.
At 2:16 PM,
hehe..hey,kavu...hw ya been...neways iv tried balancing between gals and guy frenz...its either i end up bein called a slut or BITCH...jus cuz all the other gals suck at talking to other guys even the guys that they like and im like ...hey wat the heck, i already hv the love of my life i dunt need another im jus bein me around all...so u see..jus becuz im abit famous wit the guys i get calld names tooo...so really...im tellin ya...girls girls girls....
At 3:13 PM,
life..........this is life. when u dun mix around with the guys, the guys will label snobbish, arrogant and 'jual mahal' and the girls will think that u r not sporting enuf. when u mix around, better than the other girls, the girls will call u......like u mentioned. There will always be something to be said.
At 3:13 PM,
and adole i seriously have known the type of people u'v mentioned.. and lord i just cant stand them everything also double standard.... eeee.... i feel like goin rite infront of them and jus 'cekik' them and ask...."hey u just told me u dont wanna do it now u want is it jus because others ask you"...oh yeah and beware of girls adole iv met girls who goes out wit this guy and mk him fall in love habis habis and then when u ask her...she'll say "u know, i like you u know.... but its not that kinda like.....like u get wat i mean.." hehehe...i didnt mean to scare u or wat but jus try till u can la ok..gud luck for dat...and all the best..
At 5:23 PM,
you'd find a nice girl , adole.. you're a good person :)
At 10:10 PM,
thanks muakzzz, i hope so. argh......i got other things to confide, i blog tomolo, hahaha, when waiting for my experiment. haha