More drama......!!!! |
Woohoo! I'm finally in. Forgot my account password. Been a long time since i last posted. Thought blog died already. Thats my new excuse. Previous one was no internet connection. Heh heh! Anyway, felt kinda left out not knowing all the DOTA social updates. Always though DOTA all about action. Now got drama and stuff. Cool! I like. Must make it a point to mention everyone in this... my mega comeback ultra post. Heh! So let us begin..... Fisrtly , i have to agree, Gopi is being emo. Which is cool. Cause now we have this huge very interesting multi emo posts on our blog. Heh heh. Thanks man. I remember arvin+john= GG. Makes the victory all more GLOOOOORIOUS!! Muahahaha!!! When the teamwork starts rollin... heads just keep fallin. Seriouly dont know how that happen. Must've been in da zone or somethin. But it was cool. I dont really mind the dissin. Its still all fun for me. Like magnus sez... warlock very critical on how i play baratum. But thats just cause he very gay about baratum. Heh. No hard feelings. Think warlock great leader. Even when lead team to imminent death. Still finds a way to make it feel fun to die. Ha ha. Almost as psycho as magnus. Both very suicidal. Kinda predictable and easy to coordinate with. Me getting infected with blood rage. Not good when kardel stand toe to toe wif fuzzy and try to kill him wif handle of rifle. Must learn to keep cool from sai. Just get maelstrom. Ha ha ha. I'm still working on baratum though. Not quite there yet. Still get too much adrenaline rush COD all over the map. ;P As for NOS, I must tell you all a secret. He's not human. He's actually a time traveling alien esper. Nuff said. On a more serious note, NOS owned cause he got good teammates. Us.... ahem!. Actually made it a point to hunt him. But couldn't succeed cause of his teammates. Damn it feels good to pawn him even when its kinda gay since it took 5 people to do it. Heh. Bottom line, if someone buys divine rapier. Its GG. Not cause of rapiers effects, but what it represents. Warlock is old. Ha ha! Never though of it that way. Wait, doesn't that mean that i'm... 'dougtht'!!! Cant really comment on arul. Keep changing nick. Cant keep track. Remember he got kicked out once cause though he was some other cybercafe dude. Ha ha. James is anything but calm. Many spirits of dead mice can confess to that. I was there. It was horrible. The inhumanity. The cruelty. Horror of horrors. To this very day, the mark remains. On that little patch of wood... it lays forever barren... no mouse pad dares take its place. Ripped to shreds... thi's the fate of all mouse pads that fails james' strict performance test. Heh heh. James play style varies a lot. i still cant figure it out. Except when he playing drow. Then got predictable mindset. ;P To shaun, I understand bout the change of plan thing. Poor warlock. By the way, kudos to warlock for all the event organizing. Keep up the good work. Ahem. ;p I for one really appreciate it and would never want to change management. Heh. Ahem. Back to shaun, you've got a unique play style dude. Always fun to have you around. Never would've thought of the jumping in and stealing the aegis plan. Ha ha. A little more coordination and we might have pulled it off. That would've been a memorable achievement. :-) As for me, still feel a bit handicap when AR. Lack of experience. Will catch up and join in on the trash talkin soon. Heh heh. Its all fun. All part of the DOTA experience. I have most fun when teamwork is flowing. Multi ganking. Big kickass group battles. And everyone sacrificing themselves to take out the tower. Adicted to the adrenaline rush. As for tactics, all is valid. Just needs coordination. Who farms, who push, defend, when and Then it should be fine. Easier said then done though. Good luck warlock. ;p Bad teamwork! Not sure how kugan and shauns invisible tactics work though. I'm all ears. Happy to coordinate wif the tactics. For those instances where saving up for item and dont want to die, please inform team so that can change tactics to accomodate. If survival instinct kicks in during team battles and one runs... team is usually screwed. Personal experience. Kugan, heard about your must return to base survival instinct tranz thing. I know how it feels. Not a hundred percent but close. Sometimes i just go blank and all i see are colourful pixels. Dont even know where i am. Panic attack. Atleast thats what i thought. Now i know its actually bullet time. Its a gift. Very few people can do it. The fraternaty, max payne, neo...etc. (Rambling) As far as doing stupid suicidal gila kill charges, we all do it. Some more than others. Heh. Me included. I really appreciate it when a teammate helps slaps me out of it. Gopi and warlock comes to mind. Thanks dudes. ;P Axe behind razor is just gay. Just as razor leaving axe behind to be raped... is just gay. Now axe and razor covering each others asses and then getting raped is macho... i think. Hmm..... About sai.... weird. Uses strange builds. Got fetish about maelstrom. Ha ha. Just kidding. Very adaptive play style. Great for all teams. Excellent support. One of the hardest rolls for me to play. ;p
Ok, cant think anymore. Ran out of ranting material. Getting sleepy. GG! |
The DotA post!!!!!! |
Now that everyone has finished changing their black oil over DotA, I thought we'd have some fun. So here's the game, write a statement with "is a real cool guy" and "doesn't afraid of anything.
YOU MUST FOLLOW THE FORMAT OR IT WILL NOT BE FUNNY. Write about yourself or one of the others. Here's my first and an example for the rest:
Magnus is a real cool guy, runs around with 10hp at level 6 and doesn't afraid of anybody
One more.
Chino is a real cool guy, uses ultimate on neutral creeps and doesn't afraid of anybody
Got it? good |
exclusively..... |
firstly, i apologize that this tread have to chip in between the other posts (the Dota one) cause if i dun post now, i dun know when i can make the post again. I am now working elsewhere out of my hometown and i dun have any internet access, except for the one in the office, wont be as convinient as before. what i wan to share with everyone is that (to those who r interested and not) are.......
so far, or at least to me, i think xbox360 is kinda promising if anyone here wanna get a console. i know ps3 is still hot on our list, my list too......but i have to admit that by the end of this year or next year, 360 will release an arsenal of promising titles. and some are exclusive to 360 only. I for one like traditional jrpg or perhaps mordernized one, and 360 will have more of them soon.
1. Tales of Vesparia (Namco Bandai) - 360 only 2. Last Remnant (Square Enix) - 360 and ps3 3. Infinite Undiscovery (Square Enix) - 360 only 4. Star ocean 4 :the Last Hope (Square Enix) - 360 only
These r the rpgs that i can not even miss. and most of them r coming to 360 only. but of course, ps3 have final fantasy 13 and might have kingdom hearts. but after ff7, the rest of the ff series r just acquired taste. and since the father of FF has now hail Mistwalker as home, i bet more jrps will come to 360. furthermore, FF13 may look nice now as shown in the trailer, but we r still not too sure of the real game mechanics. i really hope it's not disappointing. some other game that we should look forward to are...
1. Gear of Wars 2 - 360 only 2. Biohazard 5 - both 3. Alone in the Dark 4 (?)- both
on 360 games will mostly be ported to pc, well, i heard from a lot of people, not just from our bloggers mate here, i do not agree entirely. yes, games like fps or 3ps like Halo may be ported to pc, but i doubt games like rpgs will........mayb some, but not most. and to play these games on pc, we need a very very good pc in the first place. it's not to say that i try to stray anyone from getting ps3, i will get one eventually, when there is some games that i m actually interested to play like FF, but since some of the games are released in both consoles, i will just try to get the ciplak one and play on my 360. as for ps3 exclusives games, i will get the ori, that seems the only way. i wouldnt play these kind of games with my pc. my pc for mmorpgs only, hehhee.
well, just my 2 cents worth of opinions. but the games that i sought r mostly in 360 by far, so, i guess i now lean more to 360m, hahahaha, though the console is flawed. and it seems that if the games are being released in both consoles, the 360 one would perform smoother, well, accoridng to my fren who tried this. as now, i m open, just folo the path of the games i adore.
bye for now, take k all. |
In fighting.....bickering....trash talking(hurtfull ones).....and im a lot better than you!! |
Its just this Dinesh, varying gamestyles exist. You can win with any style given the situation as you said. But dont go saying behind us in a way that we can hear stuff like"those fellas like thatlar.Just farm farm. Dont bother bout themlar and dont waste your time helping coz u know wat will happen if you help(1 example)". This your saying to navin. Many of them there say nothing in reply(kugan, arul)coz your elder and out of respect. Even ben and me. Dont play all the sarcasm games in the cc thats wat i mean.some of it are offensive and warrant replies but they dont want to coz it might coz probs.Trash talking someone after you kill them is part of the fun in da game(as navin would agree..hehehe(shaun wouldt though...hahahahaha)), but the above statement isnt. And about choosing characters that they dont know how to use, i totally aggree with you its boring if we stick to the same character BUT this "not helping when needed" stems from the innability to use the character in da first place most often then not. They die and die and die and die till they just are afraid to even go near creeps. Case: arul with naix, arvin with luna, me with balanar, navin with broodmother(wat you felt tat day was how others felt when they just keep dying like crazy after taking new characters), shaun with all characters excluding Bone. So this goes out to all newbie character users, Try and get a brief understanding of the character from your pals who r good then apply in game and at critical moments ask them wat shud be done. And those pro users pls help out by giving them some good pointers on how to play the characters( DINESH is quite good at this,seriously-he is my wiki on heroes).To JON, u might not be tat good a user of barathum but hats of for ur courage during battles and you were trying ur best. in for both DOTA SESSIONS and will be there unless someone has assasinated me due to these posts......TQ for clearing your part din and shaun coz now i feel relieved that we have talked about it. |
Reply 2 : |
Ok I forgot to mention a few things which might have contributed to this big misunderstanding ..
1) Yes Shaun did ditch us once, but since he decided to sit out last week to make it even then it's considered settled allready. Stop picking on him la ...
2) We decided on a system to make DotA sessions easier to plan for :
If someone says they are coming but then cancells last minute then we give the person "1 demerit point", this means the next time we have odd numbers we call in the demerit point and ask the person to sit out. If we have odd numbers and nobody has a demerit point we just play odd numers la .. I would prefer even numbers but I rather play with odd numbers than not play. We have allready agreed to stick to this from now on in our last Annual DotA meeting. This is better than what i normally do, everytime it's odd I ask Sai, Magnus or Siriuz to sit out. That isn't fair to them since they normally always keep to the schedule. So in short, this system encourages people to stick to the schedule and not make things tough for the others and only penalizes those who cancells last minute.
3) I personally think the last 3 sessions were pretty ok. I don't have any big complaints about "teamwork" or say that we "must win" .. even the day where I lost every single game wasn't a big deal since everyone in the team played well. (The only complaint we had was the one where we lost because of "lebeh kes" but that was just for fun). I have no idea why gopi is so serious about it cause I seriously had fun even when teamed up with John and Arvin (:P)
4) NoS is your worst DotA nightmare .. CC guy who joined us to make our numbers even ... he will come out from the forest when you are level 15 and use his level 20 character to pawn everyone. If you are wondering if i am exaggerating, i am not. He bought Divine Rapier and we all left. |
Clearing Out the Muddy Waters™ |
The purpose of this post is to clear out any niggling doubts u guys r havin against me n also to apologize for the past mistakes which i haf done. First things first..... on the 1st weekend of june dinesh called me 4dota n i sed i wud come... but several hours later daniel called me 2hang out in forbidden city.... afta several minutes of consideration i decided to hang out wif dan n cancel dota since i havent been hanging out wif dan n frens for a long time..... i dunno how u guys manage 2find out dat i was in FC but i dun wanna noe.... n for dat i wud like 2apologise for dat mistake n trust me it wud not happen again... on da 2nd weekend of june i was in singapore NOT where u think i was.... so no apologies there.... dun bliv? ask my parents.... last week i really wanna come n i ady made d arrangements but like i sed earlier i can oni come if u guys start at 10pm since i got a party b4 dat..... n i admit oso daniel called but i told him dy dat i'll b dotaing wif u guys.... but since u all wanna start at 8pm bcoz u dun wanna miss holland-russia (in which da dutch lost... all hail da soviet communists!!! may dey fall at d hands of da spanish armada), i hafta skip dat session bcoz if i come oso wud b odd numbers.... so i decided 2hang out wif dan instead which in dis case is NOT my fault.... plz get ur records straight b4 u rifle out da accusations..... so gopi did u get da clear picture now? when u sed in ur post earlier dat i purposely skip not 1 but 2 sessions i knew dat i hafta speak out b4 things get ugly due 2 unnecessary misunderstandings. i noe dat i screwed big time n i 2 dun wanna jeopardise our frenship..... plz accept my humble apologies n lets 4get bout all dis..... plz allow me 2make 4lost time by calling me up 4dota..... i oso wanna meet up wif dat irish bastard arvin... really miss dat dude... ;p so guys.... i heard bout all da troubles u guys r going thru da last 3weekends n frm da manner in which gopi n dinesh describe in their posts... i realize dat it is a serious matter.... plz try 2 4get bout all dis... ITS ONLY A GAME FOR GOD'S SAKE!!!! y da unnecessary pressure n stress jz bcoz sum1 didnt perform 2expectations?? makin us all sound like schoolgirls tryin 2find da rite dress 4da prom.... sheesh.... jz enjoy ourselves... lose lose la.... frm wat i noe in a team game like dota if a team loses den da ENTIRE team is at fault so dun put da blame on sum1 n go around cryin like a little baby.... jz dun make noise n jz continue like nth happens.... if u lost a game learn frm ur mistakes n dun blame on other ppl.... lets jz hope our next session is incident-free bcoz if it continues like dis u all can 4get bout callin me nxt time bcoz i wont come at all....
P/S: n chino, stop whining n act like a grown man... love u 2 dude.... its been quite refreshing fightin like schoolkids wif u ;p n oso, wat or who is NoS? sum cc dude??
Reply : |
Wah .. long post. To do justice and to explain things i'll reply as a post instead of a comment.
Hey, it's not fair to use the NoS games as an example .. since it wasnt Navin and me who were constantly losing to him. EVERYONE who played against him lost .. he is just in a different level. As for blaming you for the defeat .. we were just joking la (or at least i was). It was definately "lebeh kes" to push the ctr all the way :p.
Yes it's true NoS didnt complain about people missing to farm .. since he was the one doing the megafarming run. In case you didnt notice .. he goes missing for the beginning part of the game and only appears at the end of the game 5 levels higher then all of us and then proceeds to wipe us out. Yes it's true that it's a valid strategy but i was pretty sure it wasn't that much fun for the defenders to play when 1 person runs off to do that (unless the team agrees) .. the problem will start when everyone wants to go farm and no one wants to push or defend. Cause if i have to choose between staying to defend the tower in a hopeless outnumbered battle or to go and farm and get all my cool items, what do you think I would prefer ?
Forget about farming. If NoS wasn't a mega farmer and got his +5 levels higher by last hitting ( or magical powers) it still comes to show that he is a superior player compared to everyone of us. So any team with him will win. Period. To use him as an argument to validate tactics is quite biased I would say. I mean if I brought a pro-gamer who shouts and ask everyone to stick together and we always win , does that mean my approach to DotA is correct ?
Might does not make right. DotA should be a team game and such should focus on teamplay and working together to pawn opponents. Thats just my views however.
I know that there are those who believe strongly that the point of DotA is to go and farm and farm and farm to get items then only go and pawn opponents. Yes this is a sure way to win if it works. But this will only work if 1 or 2 person is the only one doing it .. cause if all 5 wants to go and farm .. you'll run out of neutral creeps and run around the forest for nothing and you'll run out of towers fast (if you dont want to come to defend cause you only need 100 gp to buy butterfly). You will also become prime target for opponents who believe in sticking together (like what happened to me when i was dirge and all 5 was hunting for me in the forest). Still it's a valid strategy so I won't say don't do it. I only ask that the time we choose to use the "farm till you drop" approach , let ME go farm to get all my items while you guys defend. Then i can come and pawn everyone. If you guys like the tactics then we can adopt it :).
(Point i am trying to make is, the game is only fun for the farmer , not the ones that has to do the dirty job of defending when outnumbered)
As for asking John and Arvind NOT to take characters that they are interested in just because they are bad in is quite unfair. Why ? Remember when we all started playing DotA together and we played AP all the time .. that was the time for us to pick our favourite heroes and learn to play them and that is all that these 2 guys are doing. How else are you supposed to learn to play characters you like with human players if you dont get to choose them ? Imagine if you had started by playing with people who were more experienced than you , and they start dissing your skill in using a character because you caused the loss. Thats still ok, it'll motivate you to work on that character. Imagine instead then absolutely ban you from ever taking the character in AP ever again ... It's not that fun isnt it. So let's not get all holier-than-thou and just let them work on their characters. Relying on the 1/90 chance of getting the hero you want in AR is a bit far fetched since to get good at a character you need to try out different things till you find one that works. Remember that they both played much much less DotA then us so special consideration should be given when they choose characters. Of course, dissing them for mistakes should still be cool since that was how we learned :P.
As for Ben, he WAS a bit emo before meeting up for the game but he had said that he agrees with what Gopi said about mixing up players. So I think we can let the matter rest. But for the record, it's not cool to degrade people before playing. After playing can condemn them for mistakes but don't conveniently forget their successes. As Gopi was pointing out that Navin and I sometimes commit "actions such as DYING in opponents base due to pure stupidity(this is always followed up with a lame excuse)" but neglected to mention the amount of times that we have defied the odds to get the kills and return alive or the time when a "suicidal" move caused us to suddenly turn the tables and lead us to victory. Think back to the games where I use Barathum/Rexxar and Navin uses Lucifer/Razor (razorspeed !!) and see for yourself if you've been fair in passing judgement. I don't know about navin but I never made stupid excuses .. i only tell the truth .. "Gila kill" :)
The point here is that we all have different styles of play, who is to say if Gopi's farm till you drop approach is correct or wrong ? Or Shaun's and Kugans "i'm stealthed and its 3 vs 2 but I sure as hell aint gonna decloak and attack ... unless I can get sure kill" approach is correct or wrong ? Who can tell if Ben's conservative tactic of sticking to our side of the river and only going out for a counter push late-game is right or wrong ? Or if my suicidal strategy of jumping into a group of 3 people armed only with my owerwhelming machoness (koff koff) is right or wrong ?
But do you have a reason to complain if my suicidal moves gets us all killed ? Or if teamwork falls apart and everyone attack different targets ? Is it wrong to give the opinion that we lost because of "Bad Teamwork" ? I don't think its wrong to complain. Remember, it's ok to disagree and have different views. So, i blame my teammates when things turn out badly ? Who doesnt ? I can tell (and sometimes the whole cybercafe) with absolute certainty that even Gopi disses Arul and Kugan sometimes. Is that different that what Navin and I do ? I don't think so. What is good for the goose is good for the gander. Complaining doesn't mean we claim to know EVERYTHING about DotA .. I don't need to play with Pro-gamers like Gopi did in order to know that.
But the point is, if it's in game .. LEAVE IT IN GAME. No need to get pissed off with people and spoil your friendship with others. For all the time I complain about Kugan not teamplaying, or John for sucking with Barathum (sorry John) or Arvin for sucking with Rikimaru (sorry man .. couldn't resist. I'll rest safe in the assurance that you wont read this anyway) do you see me purposely dumping them for DotA session ? (Ok last week with Kugan and Shaun dont count. That was for maintaing even numbers, and Kugan confirmed like 40 minutes before the game)
As for James. He doesn't complain much ... but I can tell you guys that is't because he has given up on complaining :p Still I agree with Gopi that James is fun to play with since he just strategizes and if things doesnt work out or people dont follow .. well too bad. He also tends to take characters that he can use well but I don't think everyone should .. then dota will be boring and I will always take Rexxar and James Drow and Navin Lucifer and Sai Kardell and Kugan Bone Clinks.
Maybe we can approach DotA in James-Zen way. Repeat after me : there is no victory . Only pixels.
So everyone listen to what Gopi has to say , he makes a good point but I would say it would be better if we left things as are now but just change our mindset and learn to accept the criticism and other conflicting views. I know that I do complain from time to time but I never take things personally and after the days session is over then its over. I dont keep grudges and neither should you. Remember , I am macho and macho men don't keep grudges.
DOTA THIS WEEKEND . Double session Morning and Night. Let me know.
In fighting.....bickering....trash talking(hurtfull ones).....and im a lot better than you |
I have been wanting to say this for quite but awhile didnt want to as i thought this would coz problems but i think events of last week compel me to do so. I want us to be still playing this game and meeting up for many more sessions so pls listen. (i include myself in this problem too) CAN WE ALL STOP THIS CRAP(title)IN DOTA AND FREAKING HAVE FUN! I have something to say to quite a few of you. Number 1, no one and i mean no one is better than anyone in our team. Some can play a certain character blinfolded while if given a different character with free items also they would be banta fodder. If your team mate doesnt know how to play that certain character and u do then its your fault for not teaching him. Help him alonglar.Vice versa if you have no clue how to play a character then dont pick him(in AP), u are just going to ruin your team mates game and yours too once he starts screwing you(arvin and jon....pls learn up luna and barathum b4 you play coz its been 2 consecutive weeks that you guys screwed up wit those characters). This is the reason we have SD n random,to try new characters without being at fault for the choice you get(and some bozos go and repick). To BEN, remember you said that jon and arvin arent that good, well wat happened in the first game last week? Arvin got triple kills and you got triple killed. Pride comes before a fall. I was razor and ur akasha got fried repeatedly by me but jons silencer farking pawned by ass so tat makes jon better than u doesnt it??Talking crap at ppls face is not the way to go. Dont play with ppls image by degrading them in front of ppl. To DINESH AND NAVIN, you guys lost every game you played againts NoS, even the one we came close to winning i was ur scapegoat for the failure. How is it that Nos wasnt going around whinning "They dont help at all. They just go and farm only". He carried the whole team to victory in every single game. When i was in his team the only thing i ever got from him was a ping NOT "wat the hell u felas doing?",not "You know those fellas rite,they never help(thanks for being so quite when you say this amongst yourself)". wat makes you guys think that your move was the right move?? or wat you are doing is the rite thing?? i have been many in many situations where i was whooping ur asses(so this makes me better than you rite?or not?) but i have never complained about your actions such as DYING in opponents base due to pure stupidity(this is always followed up with a lame excuse) coz who am i to judge, i might do that one day as im not that good either.And i have played with national champs before and i can definitely say we(me included) shouldnt be acting like we know everything about DOTA. To ARUL, if you think that enjoying means just farking around, not farming, hiding, running in and dying for no apparent reason and then you shouldnt be playing dota. come on man! wats up? dont behave like a loserlar.I have known you my whole life and you aint dumb so stop acting like one. To JAMES, Dude besides the "occasional" delay in ur arrival to warzone i think the way you handle this game is cool man. The mouse problems you have are just a small thing. U never really complain, u just get along with the game, u pick characters that are playable by u most of the time and playing in your team is nice,though your not always on da winning side. To SHAUN, i give up man. You say you wanna come then we find out your in FORBIDDEN CITY? 2 times alredy! and we are odd numbers? watsup lar? you have problem with any1 here izit? tats y we nowadays dont mind not calling you if odd,but i personally want you to come coz its cool to have you aroun man. But i have to feel for Dineshlar, he goes all out to call you and you screw him over?Yo know how much trouble it takes to get this dota sessions organised? if it were me i would come there straight to FC and hang you. Buck up dude. Join us back. Make an effort to come. We still want you to. To MYSELF, i will do and have been trying to do all those things i said above. I started doing those since the day i started picking random heroes.Lets just play dota, do some trash talking bout shaun or kugan or james and go back and have a goodnites sleep shall we.Sorry arvin for pushing u to hard that day when u were luna. But we did have fun targetting dinesh(plan 1) hehehe!(jon and arul would understand)(sorry din :). Pls feel free to say watever you want to bout this matter. Im sorry if i offended any1, i REALLY REALLY dont mean to. But its better to say things out amongst good friends(i think of every1 of you like so) then to keep it in rite?
p.s:DIN...dont be affraid to be cruel when you make the odd/even decision.And that new system sounds quite cool, stick to it.
fuh.....the end |
pharmaceutics is here. |
OMG OMG OMG pharmaceutics in two bloody hours. Since the start of the sem everybody has been nervous about this paper and now its just 2 bloody hours away WTFFFF.. Come on some almighty power please shine down upon me frm 2pm - 5.30pm today >.<
IM DAMN COOL. I SWEAR. ahuh? =.= |
1 down |
One down four more to go. this is shit man first paper and im already dead tired. grr |
It would be hot |
hello ladies and gentlemen, some new updates will be released to the TeamFortress2 today, 11pm The Valve will release the Pyro achievement pack and the Meet the sniper trailer, it contains 3 new, unlockable weapons and a lot of achievements. Please visit the and the as i heard the TF2 will be free on the weekend, if anybody wanna try this excellent game, just install the steam. |

 If anyone is interested this is my company logo. You can get more info from I just needed this picture online so I can use some tools to make it transparent :p |
chem |
Been in library since 9am. its 11pm now. god help me chemistry is killing me GRRRRRRRRRRRRR..
okayla back to books. CANT WAIT TO GET HOME.
I know this isnt the most graceful entry but wtf la =P |
AO |
HI, the Anarchy Online will get a grahical engine in the summer. I think I'll play again if it released. Warlock, and u? 8) You can watch the trailer on the official site. its mindblowing. |
wrecked servers previous the exam |
Hellow again, I wanna tell you a funny story: I had got a Higway code(rule of road) exam on friday 9:30AM, OK I arrived to the Buliding B (where was the exam) at 9:10AM, I had to wait 30 minutes next to the building. Then, around 9:40 the supervisor (or what) tell that the Higway code server system was broken down everywhere in the country! HEHEHE I will repeat it on Wednesday 2 pm. PS.:pls watch out when will you write the exam with computers! (sorry about my english grammar) |
Warlock, I forgot your e-mail address. I have to write it here 8). I found a good site: ,where u can listen to the music of the most popular hungarian rock band, the TankcsaPda. Just writre the tankcsapda into the search window and choose one song. And enjoy it. Labels: TankcsaPda |
Greetings ladies & gentlemen! I'm a hungarian boy, Im living in Debrecen Can u tell me some rules from this page? Im a newcomer* here *noob, novice, starter |
Crysis VS Timeshift |
Been a while since I play Crysis and I finished it last week. The game is fun except the fact that you need to chase after ammo in the entire game. The battle itself is like typical FPS game. As long as you have a fast reflex, you should be okay. So from what I see, this game deserved its credit to be one of the best FPS in the year. (Still can't beat AVP2 in my opinion J)
However I have my touch on another FPS game this week and that would be Timeshift by Sierra. Seeing Gamespot only give it a 6.5 fair point. I figure this might be one of the Try and Stop game and I was wrong. Gamespot has done it again by putting a good game to a fairy low point of view. I must admit that some of the review say is true like the battle is kind of easy. Well you can slow time with a sniper rifle, it is kind of hard to miss isn't it. But they make it up by increase the number of enemy you need to fight so most of the time you are fighting 8- 10 enemy. There are some places you need to figure out to use your timeshift ability to get in. so it does give you the feeling you are playing Prince of Persia just in modern day. The only thing bad about this game is the story. The story of this game is like bit and pieces that you need to pick up. Although after finish the game you know they are planning for the sequel. But after what happen to Advent Rising, it does give me a chill.
Well see you guys at weekend if we have Dota. |
june!! |
hey guys. things are getting realllly hectic for me. finals starts in 3 weeks. then im flying home for 3 weeks =)
hope to see u guys in malaysia. not much entries from me till early july. |
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