ola :)
im bored..and im supposed to be in bed because i have to wake up early in the morning and join friends at sunway lagoon... yay splash splash ! *i hope* -.- been quite a while since i saw my college friends...
i've updated flickr.. last week my cousin Guna and his wife Rohini came over for dinner.. last week also, i played the best game of foosball ever! yes! one year in taylors has exposed me to these not-so-healthy-in-terms-of-environment kinda games like pool and foosball .. good lord, i'll be having another year at taylor's.. hahaha! i hope they have foosball in Australia so that once i get there i can find something to keep me going..
if any of you decide to go to australia for a holiday next year do tell me! we should take flights across the oceans to meet :P
im sort of in a dilemma now.. yes, its 3 in the morning and im ranting like some nenek at the mamak.. you see if i go with plans , i'd be going to Uni of South Australia next year.. but if i do well enough i can opt for a better Uni.. hopefully Monash.. i've always wanted to get into Monash but their application dates closed before i actually thought of applying :( and i didnt bother applying earlier because i never expected to make the cut for Pharmacy at Monash.. so after results came out it was a bit too late to do anything.. that sucks..they should leave the applications open for longer la.. :( but on the other hand Pharmacy is already a recognised degree so i suppose i should just zip it and go to bed.. hahha..
i just had the longest chat ever with magnus.. i almost feel a bit MAGNUS-ED .. haahhaha!
errm.. yes im sleepy.. chao!
oh yes this might be late but welcome on board , Lali.. your horniness is always welcomed here.. :P
errm magnus , you probably need to use that terminator thing on me.. before i start blog hogging.. its just that i prefer blogging here because the Meowie blog is basically where i whine about my life and keep friends up to date.. and my blog can survive by the chatbox alone.. GOD the drama that takes place at the chatbox... now i have a new NINJA spammer.. what is the world coming to.. -.-
do visit my blog when you guys get the time.. i dont do the same posts in both blogs so dont worry .. no doubles :)
At 6:22 PM,
erm... define MAGNUS-ED??
At 7:21 PM,
errm.. i dont know la..
its just the after-effects of chatting with him :P
At 9:37 AM,
cute. can i try? magnus, lai, come chat with me. :P